Instance 16_81 using GSC + AtMostSeqCard
d_l_l_o_gsam 7690.20 4732.00 8.39 5.03
r_l_l_c_gsam 68232.40 252.00 59.92 0.34
s_l_m_c_gsam 65.00 63.00 0.22 0.21
pq_l_m_o_gsam 376655.00 376655.00 1153.54 1151.01
s_e_l_c_gsam 874642.40 962.00 961.38 1.22
d_s_m_c_gsam 219.80 186.00 0.31 0.26
r_e_m_c_gsam 108914.80 108879.00 93.91 93.69
l_l_l_o_gsam -- -- -- --
s_e_m_c_gsam 126262.00 126193.00 99.62 98.16
pq_s_m_c_gsam 108523.00 108483.00 92.21 90.87
l_e_l_c_gsam 838822.40 982.00 961.51 1.25
s_l_m_o_gsam -- -- -- --
d_s_l_c_gsam 132456.00 117.00 145.94 0.26
s_s_m_c_gsam 126341.40 126313.00 100.78 100.45
pq_e_m_c_gsam 104531.40 104316.00 88.87 87.23
l_l_l_c_gsam 69798.40 251.00 61.73 0.34
r_e_l_c_gsam 867545.80 1069.00 961.39 1.24
pq_s_l_c_gsam -- -- -- --
l_s_m_c_gsam 302116.00 70.00 240.26 0.21
s_l_l_c_gsam 68243.60 252.00 60.38 0.34
l_e_m_c_gsam 300641.60 70.00 240.33 0.21
l_s_l_c_gsam 842898.40 983.00 961.52 1.24
r_l_m_o_gsam -- -- -- --
mo_s_m_c_gsam 617252.60 159649.00 552.70 120.10
pq_l_l_c_gsam -- -- -- --
d_l_m_c_gsam 211.20 179.00 0.31 0.25
d_e_l_c_gsam 132416.20 117.00 145.58 0.26
s_s_l_c_gsam 872831.00 968.00 961.37 1.22
r_l_l_o_gsam 32855.00 32855.00 148.25 147.60
pq_l_m_c_gsam 104385.00 104244.00 88.86 87.38
r_s_l_c_gsam 874005.80 938.00 961.39 1.21
d_l_l_c_gsam 115592.60 118.00 129.34 0.26
s_l_l_o_gsam 55387.80 46093.00 256.59 210.70
mo_s_l_c_gsam -- -- -- --
r_s_m_c_gsam 107876.60 107821.00 93.28 92.79
pq_e_l_c_gsam -- -- -- --
r_l_m_c_gsam 65.00 63.00 0.22 0.22
d_l_m_o_gsam -- -- -- --
l_l_m_o_gsam 11493.00 133.00 10.51 0.34
d_e_m_c_gsam 224.00 195.00 0.31 0.26
l_l_m_c_gsam 90263.40 80754.00 77.35 67.56
pq_l_l_o_gsam -- -- -- --

Best configurations

['d_e_l_c_gsam', 'd_e_m_c_gsam', 'd_l_l_c_gsam', 'd_l_l_o_gsam', 'd_l_m_c_gsam', 'd_s_l_c_gsam', 'd_s_m_c_gsam', 'l_l_l_c_gsam', 'l_l_m_c_gsam', 'l_l_m_o_gsam', 'pq_e_m_c_gsam', 'pq_l_m_c_gsam', 'pq_l_m_o_gsam', 'pq_s_m_c_gsam', 'r_e_m_c_gsam', 'r_l_l_c_gsam', 'r_l_l_o_gsam', 'r_l_m_c_gsam', 'r_s_m_c_gsam', 's_e_m_c_gsam', 's_l_l_c_gsam', 's_l_l_o_gsam', 's_l_m_c_gsam', 's_s_m_c_gsam']


Each table represents some statics related to given configuration. A configuration is denoted by A_B_C_D_E where :
  1. A is the selection criteria. We denote by
    • mo : Max option
    • pq : The capacity q\p
    • d : The residual demand
    • l : The load
    • s : The slack
    • r : The usage rate
  2. B is the aggregation function. We denote by
    • l : Lexicographic order
    • s : Sum of the elements
    • e : Euclidean norm
  3. C is the exploration criteria. We denote by
    • l : Lexicographic exploration
    • m : Middle towars sides
  4. D is the Branching parameter. We denote by
    • o : Option
    • c : Class
  5. E is the filtering model. We denote by
    • n : The default model using sum constraints
    • am : The model using the AtMostSeqCard Constraint
    • gs : The model using the Global Sequencing Constraint (GSC)
    • gsam : The model combining AtMostSeqCard+GSC
    • f : The model using the new filtering algorithm