Ulrich Aïvodj, Julien Ferry, Sébastien Gambs, Marie-José Huguet and Mohamed Siala
CIKM'21 ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Published version Preprint Source codeMark Antunes, Vincent Armant, Kenneth N. Brown, Daniel Desmond, Guillaume Escamocher, Anne-Marie George, Diarmuid Grimes, Mike O’Kee, Yiqing Lin, Barry O’Sullivan, Cemalettin Ozturk, Luis Quesada, Mohamed Siala, Helmut Simonis, and Nic Wilson
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence ToolsBegum Genc, Mohamed Siala, Barry O'Sullivan, Gilles Simonin
CPAIOR'19 International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, June 2019, Thessaloniki, GreeceBegum Genc, Mohamed Siala, Gilles Simonin, and Barry O'Sullivan
Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 775, 5 July 2019, Pages 76-92Mohamed Siala, and Barry O'Sullivan
Information Processing Letters. Volume 148, August 2019, Pages 23-27